About Me
Hey there! I’m Erica.
I’m here to help empower you by facilitating biblical-directed learning, personal growth, and improved performance without telling you what to do or what to think.
The path to finding my purpose was long and filled with many obstacles, but it was all worth it. Looking back, I recognize that every challenge was a learning opportunity for me, and I am a better Life Coach because I have “been there, and done that”.

I have been where most people are. Stuck, without clarity or confidence, settling for a sub-par life knowing that I deserved more, but unsure of how to find it. I was ambitious, but I lacked confidence.
I started my career in the healthcare industry, with the typical “corporate” job that just paid the bills, but left me feeling uninspired and bored, wondering “Is this it?”. I fell very ill and became a recluse for several years. I knew I wanted more out of life. After I had gathered enough courage to leave the job, I was left with the option of becoming an entrepreneur. With nothing to my name, I started a business that I loved, but fears and self-doubt convinced me that I could not and should not trust in myself or a Higher power, so I went back to playing it safe in the corporate world.
It wasn’t long before the allure of entrepreneurship called out to me again.
This time, I created a digital marketing agency and empowerment medium (YourAffirmationsDaily) and found that my absolute favorite part was encouraging people to believe in themselves and the value they provided. Then, I joined the finance & life insurance sector and built my own business within the network marketing industry.
That is how I discovered my purpose: Helping people overcome their limiting beliefs in life, love, health, and business so that they can find the clarity and confidence necessary for lasting fulfillment.
This is why you are reading this now. You have been looking for answers, you want to get unstuck and live life on your own terms, and serendipity guided you to me. Together, we will embark on a journey towards uncovering what is missing in your life, why it is missing, and how to reclaim it. We are going to learn, grow, and have fun on the journey.

With my guidance and your commitment to becoming a better you, you will get to experience life-changing results. I will be providing you with the inspiration, resources, and tools you need to get unstuck and evolve into the best version of yourself.
I am so excited about how much your life is about to change through my methods and practical tools and I cannot wait to collaborate with you to actualize the life you desire.
WORDS I LIVE BY– “When you look into your own heart, your visions will become clear: Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”- Carl Jung