Improve Your Life
Whether you find interest in building your self-awareness, improving your life, health, and relationships, scaling your business, or just thinking about change in general, this website is dedicated to being your one-stop shop for all things ‘self-improvement’. Why?
Because you deserve the peace of mind that comes from feeling…. (Drumroll, please)- Free, Abundant, Joyful, Confident, and Successful.
Hi, my name is Erica and, I am a life, health & mindset coach for people who want more out of life. I work with individuals on various topics relating to their personal lives.
I thrive on seeing people equipped and transformed, enabling them to lead a fulfilling and satisfying life, thus reaching their full potential in mind, body and spirit.
Welcome to the start of an exciting learning journey! As you work your way through the various categories of this website and some of the topics that you discover, you may wish to start thinking about which area is of interest to you. Also, check out the blog for more details.
Your time is now and there is a reason you found me at this point in your life.
It is time to discover what has been holding you back from the rewarding life you deserve. It’s time to shake things up and finally choose yourself. And that is why I’m here. To help empower you and guide you to find the clarity and confidence you have been seeking.
By the end of our time together, you will have identified and overcame the negative mindsets, limiting beliefs, and fears you may have accumulated so that we can infuse your life with more intention, purpose and passion. By embarking on your own learning journey, it is very likely that you will inspire others to do the same.
One of my favorite quotes is: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”– Viktor E. Frankl
Remember, do nothing and nothing changes. Read that again. It is time for a change.