- Business, Finance, Home and Improvement, Leadership, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Mindset, News, Parenting, Spirituality
Kingdom- Focused Finances: Understanding the Role of a Financial Statement
A financial statement, or a statement of financial position, offers a snapshot of where you currently stand financially. It reflects the contents of your checking and savings accounts, and even the cash in your wallet. It also…
- Business, Finance, Home and Improvement, Leadership, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Mindset, Parenting, Relationships
Kingdom-Focused Finances: Knowing Where You Stand
Financial difficulties are real. And some people have no idea how bad their financial situation is. Many of us may not have a heavy debt load, but we dread sitting down and looking at the numbers. It…
- Business, Finance, Health & Fitness, Leadership, Mindfulness, Mindset, Nutrition, Parenting, Relationships, Spirituality
Walking The Narrow Path- Live For Today, Plan For Tomorrow
Whenever we hear about the death of a loved one, so many different emotions come up in us—shock, among many of them. When we face death, one of the healthiest things we can do is re-evaluate our…
23 Transformative Questions to Clear the Clutter of Your Mind and Ignite the Fire of Your Soul
“When you have passion for something you find a way to make it happen—this is the key to success”– Zig Ziglar Inside each and every one of us lies a thread. A thread that connects us to…
It’s Not Your Fault For Having No Motivation
How do you define motivation? A quick google search on motivation and you will see that it has a lot to do with self-esteem and the confidence an individual has in their own abilities or worth. This…
Learn How To Control Your Emotions
Disciplining our emotions is the healthy, yet complex way to “control” our emotions. It does not let them run wild, and yet does not let them sit still without a voice to express. As cliché as it…